Blue Eyes
The number 3 associates with God – the Holy Trinity. Three adult people can simply thus represent a good or godly person as your mind sees them to be. Three babies would represent a good or godly new idea, pet project, or new concept about someone, again as your mind sees it to be.
As your 3 adults or 3 babies are one person divided into three, this strongly associates with the nature of God. Yet, if the people you saw were all identical, however, the good or godly person – or the good idea they can represent – is really only good or godly according to your own ego’s concept of what is good and godly. This is so because while God is a Trinity – 3 persons in one – each aspect of the Lord is differentiated. There is God the Father, God the Holy Ghost and the Son, Jesus.
Note how Nature itself shows us this through the symbol of water which is usually used to represent The Spirit or God. We have 3 forms of water - liquid water - God the Father, gas/steam – the Holy Spirit, the power aspect of God, and a solid(ice) – the manifested God in the physical Son, Jesus.