Keep Your Home Pest Free Naturally
by Patty Donovan
Nobody wants bugs running around their home but preventing or getting rid of them with conventional methods comes at a very high cost. Nearly every day new information is released about the toxicity of insecticides commonly used around the home. Highlights from these releases include children having lower IQ's, behavioral problems, and the development of cancer. The insecticides you buy at the store for do-it-yourself pest extermination are the same or very similar chemicals as those applied by professional exterminators. These products claim that if you read the label and follow directions scrupulously, there is no danger, but can you really believe them? There's a reason that exterminators wear protective clothing and respirators ! See more articles from this author.
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See also:
"Eliminate Pesky Household Gnats with Gnat Traps and Other Solutions"
"Natural Remedies for Bites and Stings"
Your dad sounds like a guy after my own heart. I have been known to let lizards prowl about in my places too - including a couple of very large ones here at our present place amongst the trees. They aren't very compatible with cats and indoor dogs though - who tend to see them as a comination of toys and food.
Heck, I even let benign spiders roam about - or else gather them up and put them outside. I am not nearly so kind with ants, flies and gnats though.
Got to second that lolite, we seem to have a kind of affection for certain insects that most people can't understand. Last year we had a resident lizard for a few months that I became quite fond of and named Gerard. We decided though that Gerard really would be happier outdoors...... maybe he could find a girlriend and raise a family, so we said goodbye and wished him well. But now we have a kitty so we must be careful. Last lizard that came in we rescued from certain annihilation. I think Heidi just wanted to play with him, but he just wouldn't have survived. Didn't get to name that one.
My Best,
That is a lovely story lolite. And the snake lived happily ever after!
My Best,
I hope so too lolite. I thought the same thing when I rescued the latest lizard from Heidi's paws. But God's little creatures are resilient. Let's just hope they just said........ "whew" and went on to live a happy life.
My Best,