Hi Wheatgrass Yogi,
I just wanted to back up what Refreshed told you with some scripture.
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf ; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Isaiah 64:6 KJV
The original language from what I understand used the term menstrual cloth. However, the translators thought this would be too gross so they lightened it up a little bit by using the term filthy rags.
Good News: Although this does sound horrible we do not have to stay in this state. God sent His Son Jesus as a sacrifice for us. It is only the blood of Jesus that can cleanse us from this state as we receive Him as our Lord and Savior. We do need to walk in a state of repentance which is a daily battle of turning from our own ways and following Him. His Spirit helps us do this and it is a process. God then sees us no longer with all this filth but clean because we allowed the blood of Jesus to clean us up. It is a spiritual clean up. We grow from being a babe in Christ to being mature as we allow Him to do a work in us. The scriptures for this are so numerous that I decided to not reference them. This is really the message of the whole Bible.
Hope your fast is going well. :) Let us know how you are doing.