Okay, after searching far and wide, I found a site that finally gave me some straight answers as to what exactly is in deer antler velvet:
I'll copy/paste the ingredients.
Chondroitin Sulfate
Glucasomine Sulfate
Growth Hormones and Growth Factors - Insulin-like growth factors IGF-1 and IGF-2
Minerals - Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulphur, sodium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and cobalt
Amino Acids (including all 8 essential)
Linolenic Acid (essential fatty acid)
Okay, so any of that stuff help with chelation? "All 8 essential amino acids" sounds like it might include Lysine. Also in there is sulphur. Both of those are known to help with chelation, but not necessarily cause the body to excrete more mercury. Plus there's seleinum and magnesium, and glucasomine is also said to help.
What else could be in deer antler velvet? My body is definitely showing signs of moving mercury around, believe me, as I know my mercury symptoms. But is anything in there able to actually pull mercury from the cells so it can be chelated? How much do you think this might be helping with mercury?
I realize I'm treading in unknown territory here. Might as well keep it up and see what happens.