It looked like an open-and-shut case. A cop pulls over a car, walks up to the driver's door, and sees a plastic baggy of marijuana. He brings in a drug-sniffing dog to prove probable cause for a search, gets a warrant, and finds a kilo of weed in the trunk.
That's what Officer Steven Lupo put in his report and testified to in Philadelphia Municipal Court.
Then defense attorney Michael Diamondstein produced the video.
Turned out reality was different.
Nefarious police officer was "lucid". And the "perp's" history, doesn't change the fact the "lucid" officer nefariouly lied and persecuted a citizen utilizing unjust drug laws.
People need to learn to take care of themselves, the police and government control freaks are there to enforce the status quo, not dispense justice. The logic is pretty simple the police officer acted unjustly, while claiming to be a peace officer, he was in the wrong. Are you trying to justify his actions?
Is this your idea of "law" enforcement?