Dear Refreshed,
Its good to hear from you. It was beautiful weather here today, and I got outside and cleaned up my yard. I had enough energy to rake and to clean the gutters and put the storm windows on the screened in porch. It was a good day.
All that to say I had plenty of time to do some thinking. I remembered how I approached new ministers years ago when I was looking for more input and that I tested things back then. I still put everything through a filter but, I trust bill more now.
I'm sorry bill sounded all about the "I" and that made you think he is creating little gods. I think he was trying to instruct on how to do this process by saying what not to do. He has seemed pretty humble and focused on God, but then like I said I have been listening for closer to three years now. You're allowed to see it your way. I just wish I could share with others something that I think is the most helpful thing I have heard in awhile.
I don't even know if what is different about it is getting explicit information that was empowering, or if my mind is quieter now and so I can do these kinds of things. At times, in the past my mind has not been able to focus to do anything.
It is very good to hear of your healing. I will be very happy to read about your healing. Thank you for sharing that.
I wonder how we can be close without triggering stuff. Not just you and me but Christians on a forum like this. I knew it was risky to put my own personal beliefs out there but what matters to me is how I am growing and how others are growing.
A growing edge is what you are learning or trying to learn either about yourself or about life. Maybe some people don't have a growing edge. That could be good, it is just foreign to me. I think what I was looking for in that comment was to get to know you, beyond our differences. Your offered link to your story will be great.
There is just so many good testimonies out there it is hard to not talk about all that God is doing today.
So glad you are well.