I am about to use the bath protocol also. I have a filter that I will be putting on the shower head and filling the tub up through that. It should remove a fair quantity of chlorine and other substances in the water so as not to effect the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement much. But go to the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement site by Jim Humble and read up on how to do the bath.
Personally, I would not dry the water off. I would let it air dry in a nice warm bathroom. I have a small electric heater in the bathroom to keep the room nice and warm while taking the bath so everything doesn't get cooled off so quickly.
I did an ACV (apple cider vinegar) bath that way and I felt so good after that. I did it because I have fibromyalgia and hip pain. Although the water temperature for this treatment has to be just a bit warmer that body temperature.
I am going to do the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Bath for my hips and fibro and see if that works better than ACV. I will also try it with added DMSO next time, as soon as I get some.
Good luck with your bath.