Hi david1o1,
Taking plain water enemas and retaining them more than 20 minutes can cause serious imbalance in your blood electrolytes.
I don’t believe that plain water enemas are a good cleansing enema. I prefer a deep or high soapsuds enema followed by either a saline solution or plain water enema to flush the residual soap in your bowels.
The amount of time you can safely retain an enema depends on the solution and purpose of an enema. For cleansing, generally 10to 20 minutes. For retention enemas it can be for 1 or more hours.
Please read my blog titled “My challenge”, link below.
Hi david1o1,
Here two sources for that statement:
This is from Valerie CCT: “So when retaining an enema, it is usually best to do so when you are using a saline solution. If you retain a plain water enema, it would be a good idea to replenish electrolytes afterwards with something like 100% pure grapefruit juice, Welches 100% pure unsweetened Concord grape juice, or Gatorade or other electrolyte fortified drink.”
Abstract from ”Studies on the benefits of colonics and enemas”
Soapsuds enema from a nurse's training handbook. “Schmelzer et al. (2000) found that soapsuds enemas produced significantly greater output than tap water and were equally well tolerated. Most subjects who received tap water enemas retained more fluid than was eliminated. Based on these findings, they advised that nurses should use caution when giving repeated enemas to patients sensitive to large fluid loads. This is relevant to the question of the fluid load resulting from a colonic irrigation, in which a larger volume of water is used than in the typical enema.”
Plain water enemas are fine, just make sure that you are well hydrated before starting the enemas and one enema per week should not cause any problems.
I was trying to address your problem as you stated “Even after doing a high enema with warm water, I feel my colon is hard in the sigmoid area when i try to massage my colon by pushing on the skin”.
Often plain water or saline solution enemas do not clear out hardened feces well. So a more efficient cleansing enema would be a soapsuds enema.
I hope this answers your questions.