Coconut water is the closest thing to mother's milk: and mother's milk is the best thing for building a strong human.
Delicate and delicious, and top choice for kidney health, etc. etc. The whole picture. For a body re-entering the eating realm, it is ideal nourishment.
And if you didn't gain an immediate interest in "solid food",
after graduating to sweet fruit and such simple mono meals, you could even stay with "slippery elm gruel" (you can curezone google this for a wealth of information)for weeks, literally, and be well nourished. People who are very sick or know someone who is, should avail themselves of this knowledge; slippery elm makes a very mild and gentle soup or porridge. I believe we (as an unenlightened whole) are altogether neurotic about food and fear of starvation or some such, and complicate everything with worry and fear. That statement "man does not live by bread alone" has many "leaves": much like a rare and precious book.
but-- to put it simply, I echo Sun. Sounds ideal.