I have had great success with applying honey to thermal burns:
1. 18 y/o daughter was burned by flame-up from gas stove making contact with an alcohol based flavoring. Blue flame was all over her hand! After I put the fire out by covering it with a wet towel, I poured honey into a gallon baggie and put her hand in it. Within the hour the burning sensation ceased and no blister developed. The hand was moderately sensitive to heat, but, she was able to move her fingers and use them. The top layers of skin did peel within the week, but there was never a blister.
We now use honey regularly for kitchen burns with excellent results; no blisters and usually very little heat sensitivity.
2. I went to the beach this summer and figured since I was under the umbrella I didn’t need sunblock for my face. At the end of the day, my face was beet red, hot to the touch, and developed tiny blisters by the time we got back (2nd degree burn). I stopped at a culinary arts emporium (only on Cape Cod!) and bought some lavender oil infused honey. I applied it to my face when we got back to the motel and my face immediately began to weep; it still hurt to touch, and, I continued to apply the honey as it was absorbed / diluted by the skin serum. My face remained beet red, but, never blistered, it peeled within two days, and, it was soft as a baby’s bottom. (I do not recommend going without sun block or doing this on purpose).
Honey works for 2nd degree burns!