Hello there! I was really searching blogs/forums about human demodex and I landed on your forum so I took the chance and read it, I usually leave a comment on every blog/forum I read about human demodex to inform some people about it. I just want to share with you my experience, I had these redness and itchiness on my scalp which were very threatening on my part because I thought that would make me a bald lady and so I visited this dermatologist and found out that it was human demodex. What she gave me for treatment are these shampoo and conditioner, the Shampoo D'modex and Hair n Scalp (conditioner). It really helped me with my condition, the redness lessened and the itchiness was gone after a few days. I was expecting my hair to be dry and coarse but it didn't. I posted this hoping that it would help other people with human demodex. Thank you!