I'm going nuts every night, the little "thread" like things
come out of the eye lashes, with I start to fall asleep or when I close my eyes to meditate...
I tried the Similason pink eye relief, it helps for a little while, then they come back.
It drives you crazy... I use a mud mask on the eyes
right before going to sleep, to hopefully suck anything
out that I can... it helps a bit with peace of mind, but
boy what a strange way to sleep...
Does anyone have a suggestion? I've tried
Colloidal Silver on the lashes, that doesn't help much... afraid to use q based chemicals, since the eyes are involved... an ayurvedic doc said to try ghee, but it doesn't help the big ones, they still make it past the ghee.... new hope 2 soap helps, burt's bees orange peel scrub helps ... seabuckthorn oil helps a bit, but nothing is really kicking it though...
things that crawl on your lips, nose and eyes at night,
this is pretty horrible way to live.
will this ever frikkin' end????!!!!!!!!!!!