I want to buy a crystal pendulum for dowsing/testing foods/supplements/questions, as well as for healing purposes, but how do I know which crystal is right for me?
Also, how do u suggest I use crystals for healing? I'm new to this...
Here are the issues I'm trying to heal:
-Heavy Metal toxicities
-Multiple bacterial/fungal infections and possible viral and parasitic infections, Candida
-Compromised immune system, chemical/environmental sensitivities, Poor Methylation/detox systems!!!
-Poly-vagal Nervous System Dysfunction, Polarity Switch, over-worked adrenals
-LGS, IBS-Constipation, IBD-NOS, hypochloridia, abnormal stool characteristic (sticky, undigested food, mucus, blood, doesn’t come out all at once, manual evacuation, gas/bloating, pain, spasms, etc), Rectal Prolapse and hemorroids,
food intolerances /allergies, dysbyosis, ALKALINE pH, GERD/reflux, Malabsorption, GASTROPARESIS
-Pre-Diabetic and hypoglyemia
-Hypothyroid (cannot convert T4 to T3), adrenal fatigue
-Hormonal/neurotransmitter/nutritional imbalances, amenorrhea
-Copious phlegm production and congestion
-poor liver/kidney function
-Osteoporosis, TMJ, pelvic floor dysfunction
-Nasophyarnx cyst per MRI
-Abnormal kidney per ultrasound
-Anxiety/depression/PTSD/trichotillomania, chronic stress, indecisiveness
-Brittle hair, abnormal hair growth on face, hair loss in brow region and scalp
-Acne/boils/cysts and extremely itchy skin, fatigue, low energy, trouble sleeping, difficulty tolerating water
-Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, sore muscles/joints
-Anemia (B12, folic acid, iron…due to metals and malabsorption)
-Possible pyroluria, lyme, coxsackie B (and other viruses), Phenol sensitivities….