I have killed most of my candida (I think!) but now see some more of it in h202 & apple cider vinegar enemas. (I sinned & ate some pumpkin pie with whipped creasm. It wasn't worth it! :-( ) I think I am having die off from trying to kill the candida that built back up, but it is hard to tell if the low temp & fatigue are due to that or due to needing more Armour for my hypothyroid condition.
My doctor is a 5 mile round trip away since he was the only one I could find who believes in not just going by blood tests but by symptoms also. He is into alternative health but I suspect he's never thought much about candida. So I'm trying to help myself on my own through increasing my thyroid doseage with American Biologics bovine thyroid. It seemed to help at first, but not lately.
If I knew low temp is associated sometimes with candida it would help me rule out, possibly, hypothyroid symptoms as the cause.
Thanks for any input or ideas.