I am seeking help on any forum that can provide it. Last Thursday evening I had a severe allergic drug reaction to a medicine prescribed by my physician. My skin had raised, red lesions as well as clusters of bump. The lesions have gone, but the skin remains raw and unbearable to the tip of my fingernails. If I touch my skin with the nails ever so slightly, I am in excruciating pain.
I am on a protocol which includes large quantities of quercetin (activated), a salve called egyptian magic, but the salve has not done much for my skin. For the first few days I did calamine lotion, and the effects were too drying.
I am seeking help on how I can assist my skin to heal. Are there topical things that I can apply to assist and soothe the skin? Are there additional vitamins I need to take to assist the skin in healing. I am consuming fish oil, Ester-C, B-Complex, D-3, E-Complex, NAC (Gluthatione precursor), Resveratrol, Milk Thistle and some Herbs to help stabilize the adrenals.
Your help is very much appreciated. How I can start the journey to healing my skin so that the scarring is minimal is needed.