This is just sort of a public announcment educational post of sorts. Basically,
I do not know what is an almond but, these things are what keep me going, fighting, from just bowing over and dying like a frog with x's in my eyes and a tongue hanging out.
If you do not eat almonds, you probably need to start eating a lot of them.
Almonds are pretty much the main food and calorie source I used while losing 140
lbs. I still basically get a good chunk of calories for them.
They alleviate almost all symptoms equally, and improve brain function, fatigue.
As for fish pills, I think cycling and attack dosing is the key there. I have taken 30 GRAMS of fishpills a day, and felt that it worsened constipation and deadened my brain. I have taken none, and had to deal with the effects of too much inflammation, pain, etc.
Best to listen to the body, and be very very conservative with those fish pills until you feel symptoms swelling up. If the brain fog or emotional issues set in hard- attack dose with 30 GRAMS, but then back off for a number of days.
Last, what experience does anyone have with dessicated thyroid or armour. Especially, for dealing with conversion issues from T4 to T3.