I have been chelating for about 9 months now and have reduced my metal load substantially. Before when I took antifungals I felt a massive die off right away for days on end. Now when I take them I feel very little if any die off. I still have candida and cannot eat much carb rich foods. I feel that this is the last straw and I am almost done killing this beast, and I feel that I just have to load up on the antifungals because my immune system has recovered enough by taking out the metals. I was told to rotate the antifungals every week or so not to develop resistance. I now started to take two each week, 3 to 4 times a day. I feel better. What is an effective regimen of antifungals to take to effectively kill what is left of this candida. Is it smart to rotate every week? What is my best overall strategy? I am already on a strict no
Sugar diet. I feel like I am very close. I feel better and better, just want to do everything I can to seal the deal and not have it come back ever again. Antifungals i'm taking are caprylic acid, GSE, oregano oil, olive leaf, sometimes garlic. Whats the most effective one and what shall I stick with. Can I take all these antifungals together daily? For example a little of each together three times a day?