IDK my AF stage...AF is not my main issue. I have so much going on that it is just a snippet.
Here are just some of my issues:
-heavy metal toxicities
-bacterial infections (chronic...such as mrsa and aeromonas)
-digestive issues (gastroparesis, ibs/ibd, constiptation, abnormal stools, bloating, gas, cramps, pain, GERD, etc)
food intolerances and reactions
-low stomach acid
-too alkaline pH (not acidic)
-hypoglycemia and pre-diabetic
-low weight/weight loss, muscle wasting
-adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism
-hormonal, neurotransmitter, nutritional imbalances, amenorrhea
-depression, anxiety, PTSD, picking
-poor liver/kidney function, poor methylation system
-nervous system dysfunction from years of chronic stress and trauma; polarity switch
-lack of spirituality =(
The list continues. I used to be vegan for a majority of my life and was much healthier (still had some gi issues, but nothing like this). However, i ate a lot of processed vegan food and soy. I eventually developed
food allergies to soy and gluten and was told i needed to add animal proteins in my diet. I protested, but eventually succumbed tp the pressure (plus, i was a wt lifter and was told i would never get to my goal as a vegan....which was false, for i was stronger as a vegan). I started with eggs, then poultry and fish. At one time, i did red meat, but that was a disaster.
Now, i take a boatload of supplements and cannot eat without digestive enzymes and HCl. Im miserable, cant work, and my quality of life is null.
And no doctor (ive given up on conventional medicine and only go to alternative docs) can help me. Im too complicated they say.
I know that diet plays one of the biggest roles in health, yet i cannot find anyone who can help me with my diet. I long to be vegan again, but they say that i need the extra protein for healing.
Due to the candida and bacterial infections, a low carb diet is necesssary. Plus, i dont digest grains well and i have not been able to digest fruit for years (fructose intolerant). I avoid dairy.
Thus, I need someone who can help not only with the physiological, but also the spiritual, nutritional, emotional, and---help me learn to live in wellness, not sickness.