Hello, I have been reading about Allimed today, found your site and realized you have a forum here on curezone. I have been a member here for about a year and half, since I found I have roundworms.
I used raw garlic very successfully for 2.5 months, and managed to get rid of all worms, but then had to stop my raw garlic therapy, which allowed left over larvae/eggs repopulate me after being symptom free for 3 months. That was a year ago. This time it is not so easy, and although I have had some success with raw garlic again, and the herbal approach, it seems like the garlic is the only thing that really gets rid of them, but it's a tough thing to eat a bulb of garlic daily.
I read testimonials on your site and amazon, and also some other
Health Forums , but these all seem to be for mrsa or other staph and lymes. Do you know of success with intestinal worms? Lots of people here suffering with this problem and can't get rid of it. Your product is expensive, but I'm willing to try if you have some research that it works, and if so, at what dosage?
Thank you.