QUOTE: "It's important to note that the candida diet is not a no-carbohydrate diet. Green beans are OK on the diet, but they have a small amount of carbohydrates in them. I guess it would depend on the type of carbohydrate.
Most of my diet was based on Bee Wilder's suggestions with some modifications based on other research and personal reactions.
I typically eat fresh meat and vegetables for every meal when I'm following the diet closely. I mix and match meat and/or eggs. I eat the same vegetable for every meal for one day and then don't eat that vegetable again for 4 days. This is to prevent the yeast from figuring out how to eat that vegetable. Before I rotated them, I became intolerant of many vegetables.
I'm afraid there are probably more than a few people out there who don't do this and wonder why they react when they are eating "candida-safe" foods.
It's typically best to keep the vegetable ingredients of any dish you eat to a minimum. Meats have never been a problem for me. Multiple vegetable salads are bad because then you have to keep track of all the different veggies to avoid for 4 days.
I add in a multivitamin to help with vitamins which are lacking in the diet. It's not an exciting diet, but it helps me feel better, and I'm used to it"
REPLY: I think Bee's advice is very strict. Diet is not a cure-all. It can prevent some symptoms, but not enough to make it worth it, in my opinion. What kind of quality of life is that? How are u getting your nutrients, especially if u try to keep your veggie consumption to a minimum. Plus, without certain types of fibers, u are not just starving the bad guys, but also the GOOD bacteria.
From years of research and my own trial-and-error, I believe that yes, keeping sugars down to minimum (and not eating anything that has added sugar) is a must. Also, gluten is no good--for anyone. Most grains give me issues, and can be rather inflammatory in people with gut issues. Veggies (steamed seems best) are extremely vital, as are homemade green juices (no fruit). Fruits seem to give people issues, but some people can tolerate a small amount, such as a green apple or some berries. I avoid them b/c I am fructose-intolerant. Some people can handle fermented dairy products. Some sources say fermented foods/drinks are vital for balancing the flora..others say to avoid them. Some advocate for nuts...others say No b/c of the supposed mold. Some say coconut flour is a great replacement for grain flour, and that making coconut bread/pancakes is great. Some people down coconut oil like it's a can of coke....
It's difficult to know what to do.
How long have u been on this diet? How long have u had candida? Is it helping? What I find so sad is that even the people on the strictest diets are no more better than if they ate a more varied diet. This diagnosis feels like a curse...