I was looking for this and made a account to say it is a part of healing. I then heard this way before (about body pain in certain areas) and tried fasting and it work but I stopped and now the challenge is more hard (not really), in the mind that is.
This my second day in with
Water Fasting but.. I went to reup some water and brought a couple of meatless meals and some cherries and a couple mangos. I ate the mango, made me feel better but In my mind I know that the body stores food in all areas (mostly all). So tomorrow I am going to eat 2 meals between 7am-12pm and maybe something before 5pm, but thats it, only water and knowledge to feed me. The Follow day i will start back the fast because I know better, and it's going to be tough because I work at Mcdonalds but I changed my shift to 8am-4pm so it gives me time to sleep and heal.
Sleeping is part of the healing, feeling light headed, and as of now I feel my body tingling like things is releasing from the arms, legs and the leg pain I thought came from work.
Keep going man, we going to make the shifts before August and October. Look up the meaning of august (etymology) and August.