Hi, I am a 63 year old woman who happily is quite healthy, in fact (I am told) don't look my age.
But for about the past month, I was certainly felt my age!
I developed sciatica, horrible pain down my left side, ending in my left calf. God the pain!
Had a cortisone shot and that only relieved the pain for about a week. I'm not a fan of medications, they juist do not agree with me.
I began accupuncture (not bad at all and definitely there are results, as the pain is far less each time) plus I feel so energized afterward! Really (and you don't feel it at all) I think its the needle in my head that seems to promote the energy.
Accupucture definitely helps.
However,someone suggested using an inversion table (happen to have one down in my son's "Manland" as he sells high-end exercise equipment, he has a lot of stuff down there in his alcove that is his gym. With his help - strapped in my feet and did 60 degree tilt which I held for 15 minutes.
OMG! I feel so much better today!!!!
I strongly recommend use of an inversion table for sciatica. Told tho it is not recommended for folks suffering high blood pressure or glucoma.
Ketch, 9/21/2011