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I am going to say it doesn't matter who is in the office because the policies and tendencies take much longer to establish then the allowed 4 years in the office.
I say the laws etc. are prepare long before 'a president' signs them. Laws that will be signed by the next president have been already written yesterday.
So, no. It doesn't matter who is in the office.
Not going to the voting booth is the only way to send them signal that they have all f***ed up and there is no more credit of trust left for them.
Right or left, left or right – matters not! They all start wars. They all contribute to further social divide, they all are
- servants of the elites. Those who in fact write these laws. Those who run this country. And I am sorry to see you being so blind as to think that it really matters if if there is a black or white or jew puppet in the office. Oh, and by the way. I really wish a jew for the next president. May be then you'll start seeing things they way they really are.