thats what they called us when we first got started here - a cult. well, everything we have learned over the years has been vetted time after time. and now, its time it better darn well be a cult. at least people should be taking
Iodine fanatically, daily, in proper amounts and without fail. why? let me count the ways:
1.every living creature i have heard of or encountered myself craves iodine. and when they get it, they thrive. from mammals to reptiles to insects and birds life is a struggle and disease and death follow a lack of iodine.
2. in humans,
Iodine is essential for a number of known and verified peer reviewed reasons. every cell in the body uses iodine.
Iodine is part of the first line of defense against infection in the skin, lungs included. iodine is essential for 87 different enzymatic processes in the body. all hormone receptors in the body must have iodine or hormonal excesses, imbalance and glandular fatigue ensue. in other words, lack of iodine will predispose you to be tired, sluggish, have brain fog, estrogen dominance, diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease and a host of other ailments. sufficient iodine produces more energy, increased brain function, and less stress and acidity in the body.
3. iodine is also known to increase circulation, oxygenation and detoxification.
4. iodine protects from radiation. taken in conjunction with daily boron and selenium, damage from radiation and chances of cancer are greatly mitigated.
5. iodine has a spiritual component that is hard to pin down. in general, it makes one calmer, more logical, more aware, more patient and affords more self control.
iodine is so important that when i teach others about health, it is in line with the very basics of life. without these basics, no other food, exercise, protocol, regimen, practice, supplement, nutrient or biological system in the body is going to work right. you must have oxygen, water, salt,
Sugar and iodine or you will not function properly physically. its not possible.
welcome to the cult. tin foil hats optional.