I too am currently pursuing a 'no sugar' diet (approximately one week in, eating steamed fish, vegetables, and coconut oil).
I have to say, I feel absolutely dreadful. I was weak before, but at least I could function. At the moment I feel like my batteries are running on empty - I went for a walk along the beach over the weekend and had to keep stopping every 10 minutes just to get my energy/breath back.
This morning at my office I went for a walk around the block during the ten minute morning break and was really struggling - I almost felt like I was going to collapse.
I don't know if this is die-off, lack of sugar/energy in my body, or just a further deterioration in my symptoms.
However, if you feel the desire to continue exercising, I'd still do so, although perhaps reduce the distance/speed/time etc. accordingly. Listen to your body.