It took three years of exploration, beginning with my early research right here on Curezone into the power of nutrition, meditation, yoga, and faith, and so on, to heal the body.
Eventually, I ended up on a healing retreat in Brazil with 24 cancer and M.S. patients and others, who'd turned away from conventional medicine and were now seeking alternative natural and life-enhancing ways to bring their bodies into harmony and balance. They spent 12 days with John of God at his healing center, and the results in some cases were quite incredible. Everything I learned over the years, but especially in that retreat I put into this book.
So thank you, Curezone. You were there right at the start.
The book is called "A Little Book about Believing: The Transformative Healing Power of Faith, Love, and Surrender." It's available on Amazon. People tell me it's changed their life. I sincerely hope so.