interestingly (and sadly, since we seem to be so little cognizant of it), it has been shown that the effect of TV can do/increases blood pressure. Also, the circulatory system might just be working harder as the day progresses, especially if sitting..?
Best wishes!
T, thanks so much for weighing in,
Your experiences are worth much to others.
best, C
and yes, ditto,
all best to mum!
(All mums
are our mums, in my view.)
thanks, T
PS- I've never monitored my BP--don't have any of the contraptions for that, didn't feel the need
after reading a lot of the GOOD lit. in the Soil and Health Library, online--Check it out, folks!),
but I used to have some "tachycardia", in years past. Still get it a bit, but now know how to fix it. >> Other times,
I have had a feeling I too might have had "high blood pressure" for some days during my two longish water fasts (29, and 21 days) . But likely only in the first days, as you say--or in some brief "spike", and when I felt that,
I would always rest, and practice some slow breathing--
***** I think with watching TV we tend to shallow breathe, a lot, also. There are so many ways 'the world' does not serve us, in the sense of contributing to the good.
I keep expecting Sun will "weigh in", at this/some soon point. He has some experience with longer water fasts also--and with some heart issues.
My best advice is, to learn/practice EFT...
It's fun--easy--shareable. It works!!!
In my view, it's the very best "tool" we can have in the water fast, (!can dissolve all transient obstacles!), after having convinced ourselves that fear of the Water Fast is erroneous.(which it is! But most people don't really know this. When you *get it*,it's like the light went ON. Now I expect to hear form Vida--I know the light went ON for her--and it's so great to hear for different folks--we all have a way of telling it... A Dios! :-)
"I keep expecting Sun will "weigh in", at this/some soon point. He has some experience with longer water fasts also--and with some heart issues."
Hi Chiron :),
While i severely damaged my heart at one point (by accidentally surpassing the max i should ever have reached) and had strain, pain and weakness in my heart muscle as a result and also had lost my low heart rate which had been earned through training, my bp was (strangely?) unaffected so i don't have any experience with high bp (which is why i had not chimed in :) ).
As an aside, after resting intently while eating very healthy for about 2 months immediately following the injury and with almost no results, i believe my long fasts (of 30 + 36.5 days) were the only way my heart was going to heal itself which it did... largely but still not entirely.