Hello. I've had Mirena since 2006 two months after the birth of my daughter.
Depression seemed to be a part of life so I had never thought to attribute it to Mirena. I have gained a significant amount of weight which I also dismissed as just a normal part of life. My mood swings just seemed like a normal woman thing. I developed high blood pressure after having the Mirena inserted. I have been having CONSTANT migraine headaches in the back of the left side of my head since early 2010 which I have been tolerating but it's becoming too much to bear. I have been been diagnosed with sciatica. I'm having issues with my sciatic nerve on my right side which makes walking first thing out of bed very painful for the first ten to fifteen minutes. I am constantly having to take Tylenol/Advil. In the summer of 2010 I started having symptoms similar to when I became pregnant. I had nausea in the mornings, I could feel and hear my insides moving (kind of like a butterfly feeling). I go in to see my OBGyn and after an ultrasound I'm assured it's not a pregnancy however a mass was detected. After a CT scan an orange sized dermoid ovarian cyst was discovered on my right ovary. My md could not tell me right away if my ovary could be saved but he did inform me pending on the attachment of the cyst he may have to take my ovary. He assured me if he did I'd still have my left ovary and that I could conceive with one ovary. With that being said I was fine either way. I awoke to find out my doctor had to remove my right ovary. I had to take additional time off from work two weeks total to recuperate. Here it is a year later and I'm having the same exact symptoms on my left side even worse this time. I am suffering from bloating, dull constant pressure on my left pelvic area that even effects the way I walk. I am scared to death of what my md will tell me on 09/21/11 /a subsequent follow up visit/CT scan. I'm 100% positive I have another cyst and it's on my left ovary. I will ask my md to remove the Mirena without a shadow of a doubt. While I am beyond grateful for the one beautiful child I have I've always wanted another. The likelihood of that seems slim now. mentions ovarian cyst in the side effects however it is extremely played down with (they usually disappear). I can't help but attribute the majority of these health issues to Mirena. I am more than willing to take part in a lawsuit. Whatever settlement "may" come of one won't come close to the price of my ovaries and the ability to conceive.
Here are a couple of pictures of the orange sized dermoid ovarian cyst I had last year: