i'm not trying to treat anything in particular, i'm healthy, i just wanted to try the protocol in order to kill off any potentially harmful pathogens lurking in my system and to see if i felt any benefit afterwards. my intention was to do the 1000 protocol for the full 3 weeks as humble recommends, although maybe it's not necessary to continue that long?
after that i thought i'd just use a 6 drop preventative dose once a week, or if i felt myself coming down with something.
my main reason for starting this thread was to see if anyone knew of any reason why mixing this whey smoothie powder with the mms would not be a good idea. there's no vitamin c, but i'm not sure if it has any antioxidants that might interfere. the powder basically just contains whey, stevia and natural flavors (i know many people get too much protein but remember this is split into 8 doses throughout the day). anyway i've been trying it and i have to say it tastes great, the gross chlorine taste is totally eliminated. so if no one knows any reason why the smoothie powder might counteract the mms, i'd definitely recommend others try this approach.