Expect to feel some pretty rough side effects with the cilantro and chlorella, but 6 months of doing it made me feel much better. I've been doing it again for about 4 months now (after using the Cutler Protocol for a couple of years) and the side effects are still a little rough, but I've noticed some obvious improvement in that time (much faster progress than I felt in 2 years of using Cutler). There are questions about the safety of this method, but I haven't had any serious problems.
Space the cilantro and chlorella out during the day. It's good to take breaks for a few days while you're chelating, but continue to take the chlorella for a day or two after you stop using cilantro. This helps with symptoms of redistribution.
If you can't stand the side effects of Cilantro and Chlorella, then I suggest the Cutler Protocol. It's slower but has fewer side effects.
It seems like people react differently to different chelators. The key is to find one which works for you.
I can't comment on MSM or
Bentonite clay since I haven't used them.
Whatever method you use, take a good multivitamin with selenium, zinc, Vit. C and Vit. E. Eat foods which encourage the production of glutathione in your body (don't take the oral supplement because it doesn't survive the trip through your digestive system). Drink lots of clean water and take saunas if you can. Make yourself sweat and then shower off if a sauna is unavailable to you.
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