That's interesting, could you tell me exactly how much ES you take and at what times? Do you still do the 2 doses on the following morning?
I've felt amazing improvements in my health thanks to flushing. The first two flushes did not produce any stones at all, so I must have had very congested bile ducts (this also proves that stones are NOT formed from the oil mixture!) but on my third, I got quite a few. My fourth one was more successful and produced thousands of stones, and after that my candida symptoms (weak digestion, eczema, no periods, fatigue, terrible brain fog after eating sugar, fungal nail infections, acute anxiety and joint pain) improved greatly or disappeared altogether. I literally felt EUPHORIC the day after that flush. I wanted to hug everyone! It was amazing.
The fifth and sixth flushes went very well also, but I didn't feel that sudden "leap" in my wellbeing as I did in after the fourth. I guess that's because I've overcome the most severe of my health problems and so I'm now improving more slowly and steadily. I'm going to keep cleansing until I get no more stones.
I hope
Liver Flushing cures your candida as quickly and effectively as it did mine!