"I have been dying to do another one since then, but the weakness periods I had experienced during those fasts are too much because of work and kids. So, I decided to do a juice fast instead. The thing is, I feel like I'm having the same detox symptoms as when water fasting. I'm really trying to just listen to my body here. I only drink juice when I feel "hungry" which really only amounts to 8-16 oz. a day, and drink water when I feel thirsty which has only been in small amounts also and not even every day. I find myself dry fasting most of the time, once for 26 hours! Through all this I seem to be going through the same intensity detox as when I water fasted. I am having profound weakness at times, kidney pain, fatigue."
Hi Phillyfly,
Yes with so little juice and also with such long periods of dry fasting, it is not surprising that you are experiencing detox similar to water-only fasting. I hear what you're saying that you are wanting only to juice when hungry (and drink water when thirsty), but if avoiding heavy detox is your goal, you would need to juice more frequently throughout the day. Also (or alternatively) I have found that fairly brisk exercise each day ideally 2 or more times per day will have a big impact in minimizing the detox symptoms, probably by slowing it down. I'm not certain but i think it (the fairly brisk exercise) also keeps the blood pressure and heart rate from going as low as it would in more of a resting fast, two important factors in how weak we feel.
"So I'm just curious if having a small amount of liquid nutrition while fasting detrimental? Is the fasting process interrupted with juice?"
From what i have read it is and autolysis is being interfered with. If i was going to have so little nutriment, i would opt for none at all. Otherwise i would want to have a lot more juice so my body doesn't begin to think it's fasting and begin to make the appropriate transitions only to get interrupted with external nutriment.
"Also, does anyone know the ratio of days juice is equal to water?? For example, I know they say 3 days of dry fasting is equal to 10 days water fasting. How many days juicing is equal to water?"
This is definately not an exact science, but i have seen many references to water-only being about 3 times more effective (swift) as a typical juice-only diet in terms of cleansing and healing, though your juice fast is probably very close to water-only levels with such limited quantities and long dry stretches.
"Thanks guys, and if you think this should be posted elsewhere let me know. ;)"
You are very welcome and in my humble opinion you are most certainly in the right place with this post :). All the best as you continue!
"At this point, I wouldn't know what path to choose! I can't imagine forcing juice on myself when I'm not hungry, nor going totally without when I do feel hunger. If I had to choose, I guess I'd just water/dry fast. I'll have to think about this. Thank you for your insight here!"
If i had to choose, that's what i would do too :). As you probably know through your own studies and through your own experiences in fasting 10 and 20 days, it is normal to experience the sensation of frequent or occasional hunger or appetite when fasting, especially in the first 2 or 3 days... and resisting this sensation is part of what every faster must face with only rare exceptions. Thankfully after these first 2 or 3 days this aspect most commonly becomes quite a bit easier with physical appetite often going into complete hibernation and all the more so when all forms of taste and digestion have been completely foregone.
How is your fast going for you at this point and how in recent days have your energy levels been including the need to work and take care of your children? Have you had a chance to try any exercise and if so has it had the same effect on you of minimizing typical fasting symptomology as it did me (in the instances i utilized it as opposed to the ones where i chose to rest more deeply)?
I like that you implement dry segments into your fasts, something i do as well as a practical application of the "drinking only to thirst" aspect of fasting and where the thirst i satisfy is generally moderate but not light.
Every best wish for you as you continue : ).