My feeling is that "true love" is based upon trust, honesty, and mutual respect, rather than rabid, frantic sexua| desire and an unhealthy "need" to be with someone every minute of the day and night.
Couples who experience a healthy relationship spend time with one another because they want to, not because they feel compelled to. When we are comfortable in a trusting, healthy relationship, we have our own separate lives apart from our partners who have their separate lives, as well. My good friends aren't necessarily my partner's good friends, and vice versa. I don't have to like what he likes in order to be accepted or appreciated, and vice versa. Not saying that we're the healthiest couple on earth! LOL We have our issues, I assure you! :D
A relationship that seems frantic, desperate, clinging, and controlling can be very, very dangerous. If you feel that you are involved in such a relationship, individual counseling might be an option that would help you to sort out why you are desperately addicted to the person, and how to avoid becoming addicted to another person in the future.
Brightest blessings to you!!!