It's funny when Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne with John Wayne Gacy, or Elvis' birthday with the anniversary of his death. But while Bachmann's struggles with American history are amusing, her trouble nailing down the details of her own biography is a bit more disconcerting. Mother Jones' Tim Murphy reports that for years the Republican presidential candidate referred to herself as "Dr. Michele Bachmann." The problem? She's not a doctor. And that's not the only detail from her past that Bachmann has -- to put it charitably -- trouble remembering. It seems, at least, that some of the things Bachmann tells people about herself conflict with what reporters have found when fact-checking the statements.
"Dr. Bachmann" might have given the activist a bit more gravitas, but it was not an appropriate title. Bachmann received a J.D. -- the standard law school degree -- from Oral Roberts University, and an LL.M. in tax law from William & Mary in 1988. ... But while J.D. (juris doctor) has the word "doctor" in it, it is not accepted practice for J.D.'s to refer to themselves as "Dr."
Be that as it may, lies are lies no matter whether they come out of the left or right side of someone's mouth - and it should be obvious that Bachmann has been spouting plenty of them.
In my opinion you are right about Dennis kucinich. He is also belongs to the DSA. [Democratic Socialists of America]. I meant to bring this up when DQ suggested a RP, Kucinich ticket, but was busy tracking sports data and forgot.
However, in the face of the information that DQ brings forth, I don't see how you can still realistically consider Michelle B. for the presidency. Seems like you would be trading one liar for another.
I mentioned some time ago that the election shouldn't be a popularity contest like a junior high class president election, but I fear that especially the women feel it's time for a woman to be in the whitehouse, just like many felt it was time for a black. No consideration was given to his integrity, or experience.
I think the right women would be a good president, but trading one liar for another isn't going to change anything.
If you are a "truth seeker" you should feel the same way.
First of all I don't believe anything that comes out of the liberal media, especially a progressive communist rag like Mother Jones mag.
Mother Jones was the messenger, but many other people, and media outlets contributed to that article. New Yorker, New York Times, National Journal, Her own mother, and Chief of Staff.
RP himself has a dark past that for some strange reason has been ignored by the MSM making me believe they want RP to win the nomination so they can then unleash with all the power vested in them in a powerful hate filled campaign against RP
You making such a statement doesn't make it true. If you know something that is backed up by proof, cough it up. Logic tells us as much as the MSM has been trying to screw with RP, they would jump at the chance to bring any dark RP past into the light.
I am positive now that I had you pegged right a few days ago when I suggested that you were an obummerbot just trying to keep votes from RP. You liberals are a piece of work. You did get one thing right "Thirdly, the real goal in this election is getting rid of Obama."
Ron Paul will do that in spite of pissant liberals such as yourself.
You claim your a conservative and I'm the liberal,yet I have seen you or Mr.Quixote bash every conservative presidential candidate except Ron Paul. How does that feel I wonder to think the opposite of your actions? I can see why you have no problem using liberal tactics against Michelle or the rest of the repubs, your above post shows you have no problem speaking out of both sides of your mouth out of a two faced mask.
You are no different than the rest of the obummerbots. You can't read, or follow the discussion. DQ posted an article complete with a link, which is what I do except when shooting down your BS that includes stating that voting for a candidate that lies as much as your boss is sound judgement, and making statements about RP that apparently you can't back up because not only haven't back up your assertions, you are trying to gloss over the fact that you ever made the statement.
I personally know only what I read about the candidates, so you are full of cow pies that I ever bashed any of them. I do cut and paste what has been reported about them.
The article states, "Mother Jones' Tim Murphy reports" not the New Yorker, New York Times, National Journal. Which by the way are all corrupt left wing propaganda machines.
I for one don't care if they are Left, or right media, but you purposely left out Bachman's mother, and her Chief of Staff. I guess it's easier to completely leave them out rather than claim they are corrupt, and left wing. Pretty hard to spin too.
I thank you for proving my point that you are an obummerbot. The more you post, the more you dig yourself deeper into a hole. By now the whole forum is aware that you make no sense at all. The proper way to pick a candidate is to read all the information about all of them. Weed out the liars, the ones that believe in socialized medicine, would let Islamist be a part of there cabinet, have worked for obummer in the past, or voted for the many un-constitutional laws that the liberals, and obummer come up with. [debt, and spending], etc.
Who's left? Then you start all over continue doing the same until you end up with the person best suited to lead this country.
Your agenda wants as many candidates as possible to spread the votes around because you and obummer are scared of RP because all the liberal bull$hit will be over. The fed will no longer print money at will, many agencies that cost the taxpayers billions, if not trillions will no longer be around. Military complex will have to build something other than weapons, The czars [as well as you] will be collecting un-employment, and all the other stress you liberals have been putting the citizens through.
Ron Paul rules.
Kuccinich is thus deemed worthless for such insane cultural marxist propaganda.