This is common knowledge to any amateur history buff. Obviously your boob tube mentality has you playing the fool again.I'd bet you never heard the phrase "history is written by the victors" Have you Mr. T?
"In my opinion, the American Army as it now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest of ease, because, while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air, tanks, and in the knowledge of the use of the combined arms, whereas we excel in all three of these. If it should be necessary to fight the Russians, the sooner we do it the better."
General George S. Patton, Jr., died in a Heidelberg, Germany hospital December 21, 1945 due to complications of a broken neck that he sustained eleven days earlier in a minor automobile accident on Highway 38 near Mannheim, Germany. Immediately after his death rumors of foul play and
Conspiracy surrounded the circumstances of his accident. The common rumor in Germany at the time was that Patton was assassinated due to his wish to join forces with Germany and attack Russia. Patton had openly admitted that the Allies had defeated "the wrong enemy" and repeatedly praised German industry and the discipline of its people.
Zionist Butcher Eisenhower's
German Genocide
Final Conflict News
Issue #1849
from 1-30-2
"God, I hate the Germans..." --Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944
Eisenhower was a clown, and it was the Zionist press that made him a hero. If Patton had political backing, he could have savaged Eisenhower. Patton wasn't just a soldier, he was an actor, and a political candidate. He saw himself as an ancient Roman hero, another Caesar.
Patton detested Eisenhower. He saw the Soviets as the real enemy, and would have entered the race. Henry Ford would most likely have financed the campaign, and a Patton-Lindbergh ticket would have been very hard to beat. Patton realized World Jewry started WW2, and they controlled Russia, and he certainly wouldn't have gone along with the farces of the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam.