I'm still in pain due something being stuck or some sort of blockage. It's terrible. I reported that the #4th flush yileded no stones. well it looks like im trying to pass some major stones here but they keep getting stuck. I just had my 1st BM after taking the 4th dose of ES and i saw a dark floaty that was about the size of the tip of my pinky finger. quite the largest so far. the 3rd flush yeilded bright green stones so I'm assuming that I'm trying to pass the older stones which are compact.
i'm following
The Clark Flush w/ 1cup of OO. I woke up at 3:30am feeling the pressure that builds up inside when something gets stuck. so i take 1Tbsp each of coptis and curcuma, and withing 30min im feeling good again; things are feeling unclogged.
so now im at work feeling that same congestion and I dont have my coptis or curcuma w/ me. i'm going to have to tough this one out.
The 3rd flush all yielded bright green stones. This time the stones were a mix of dark, brownish, and bright green stones. Some of the dark discoloration was due to the stones sitting out for a few hours until I had access to a camera.
Yes, I'm guilty of being a stone counter. I feel good, but i feel better knowing that the flushes are clearing gunk out. Its a quantifiable measurement of how good i will be feeling.