Warm compresses are easy. Get a pot of very warm water (as hot as you can handle, and a wash cloth. Get the wash cloth wet, wring out and fold in half and in quarter if necessary and place over eye. When the cloth becomes cool, wet again in warm water.
Doing this while soaking in a hot bath (
Epsom Salts would be excellent to put in the bath -- 1-2 cups) and use the bath water to wet the wash cloth and place over eye.
Putting salt (unprocessed is better but if you don't have it, processed salt is ok) in the pot of warm water will help speed healing. Apply warm compress as often throughout the day as possible.
Between compresses, apply an antibacterial ointment. If your ointment has a long skinny opening, you can apply the ointment directly to the infection.
Be sure to wash your hands after touching your eye as it is extremely easy to pass on the infection or infect your other eye. Do not let anyone else use the washcloth you bathe with or apply warm compresses with. Sterilize your washcloths when your eye is better (boil in water for 5-10 minutes or use bleach if washcloth is white)