After seeing the poster below talk about what he heard about MS, I did a Google search and came up with this post. I want to say first that I have documented this fact in my book Everything you ever want to know about black seed
that orange juice and black seed oil will increase energy and wellness. The orange juice should be fresh, not packaged and it should be taken for your life not temporarily. The post only proves the indeed Prophet Mohammad did give us a miracle cure when he told us to take black seed often.
Read the story and decide for yourself:
Hi all, here I would like to report my story with the BLACK SEED OIL. The oil that was capable of curing me out of Multiple Sclerosis! This fact will be followed with MRI reports that will support my point of view.
I was infected with Multiple Sclerosis that has been proven in 2001. At that time I passed through periodical intervals, lasting for 14 seconds, where I was unable to safely use any of my right side parts; Paraesthesia in my right side (Partial numbness, tingling, buzzing and vibration sensations), partial loss of sensation, pain in my right eye causing Diplopia (medical term for double vision), Shaking when performing fine movements … This act remains for three months and reached hard times passing through the stated intervals for 15 seconds every 3 minutes! And the psychiatrist told me that the MS attach was hard.
The MS attack was released after about 3 moths. But many of the symptoms remained
The previously stated intervals passing in a softer state and infecting to me in a rate of 5 to 6 times daily (taking into consideration that I’m living with no hard acts done) otherwise they’ll hit me in a larger number. And these intervals increases after 10:00 pm
Fatigue, a daily lack of energy
These symptoms remained for more than five months and the psychiatrist told me: “The MS symptoms lasting for more than 3 months after the attack are supposed to ever last; you are supposed to manage your life with these symptoms”
Actually I tried to take several types of vitamins to enable me continue my study at university with no use! Actually I was so depressed; I want to continue my life and take my BA in Architectural Engineering but I can’t! I have to submit my late projects that were affected by the period I was passing the MS attack and I have to continue studying
After that I was attending the pharmacy exhibition in our university, and what had caught my attention a project done by a group of First Year Pharmacy about the BLACK SEED OIL
Several facts about the BLACK SEED OIL stated in the project stucked in my mind
The increase in the immunity by 77% for the users of the BLACK SEED OIL. Although I knew that the MS is SUPPOSED to be auto immune, BUT I believed that the BLACK SEED OIL will fix that trouble in the immunity system
The proven ability of the BLACK SEED OIL in providing the body with power. The power that I had lost out of MS and I was in a big need for it
I start taking daily, and orally a table spoon of the black seed oil with a cup of orange juice after it directly; due to the fact that the taste of the BLACK SEED OIL is somehow hard
And here was the shock! After taking this recipe for three days, I was capable of studying up to 2pm! And after 15days I got rid of all the MS symptoms that were not solved by any medication
This sudden change encourages me to search the net about the BLACK SEED OIL where I found fantastic results. You can do that. The most important fact I found is the one stating that the BLACK SEED OIL encourages the body for the production of Interferon.
I remained in taking a tablespoon of the BLACK SEED OIL daily for around 1.5 years although I retained my power after 15 days. But as you can say, the fantastic results I found encourage me on remaining in taking the BLACK SEED OIL as a kind of protection
In the following lines, I will quote words of my MRI reports examinations;
- FIRST MRI EXAMINATION (17-03-2003): There are multiple rounded and oval-shaped lesions ranging from 2mm to 10mm in size involving the corpus callosum. This MRI examination in addition to other examination (mainly the liquid of the stamp) proves my infection with Multiple Sclerosis.
- SECOND MRI EXAMINATION. This examination is done after the first examination in one year. Actually it had proven that the lesions in brain have increased! It was a sudden to me because I was expecting that the BLACK SEED OIL will stop the growth of lesions. But I remained on taking the BLACK SEED OIL; at least it was giving me power.
- THIRD MRI EXAMINATION (12-10-2005): and here was the nice surprise
The ventricular system is not enlarged.
No effect is seen.
No abnormal nodular enhancing lesion is seen.
The cranio cervical junction and the CP are preserved.
The examination proves that the lesions are not increased in size after 2.5 years. More than that, the psychiatrist told me that this examination, compared to the previous one, proves that the lesions in brain are decreased in size. And that is impossible to happen. He told me: “This examination leads me to be suspect with everything I have studied in my life”
At that time, I’ve concluded an important fact; in the second MRI examination that proves the increase of lesions, I have done it after taking the BLACK SEED OIL in 4 months. But there were 8 months in which the multiple sclerosis was acting actively. And case I haven’t taken the BLACK SEED OIL, sure I could examined another MS attack.
- FOURTH MRI EXAMINATION (13-07-2010): After seven years, and upon the request of several members that asked me to do a new MRI examination just as a kind of test, I’ve done an MRI examination and here are some of its states facts;
Normal size and shape of the ventricular system.
No shift of midline structures.
No evidence of intra cerebral bleeding or extra axial collections.
Normal height, signal characteristics and enhancement of pituitary gand. Central pituitary stalk.
No sellar or parasellar masses.
The psychiatrist told me: “The MS in your case is completely stopped. Even in my bed examination to you, nothing appeared.
From this story, I’d like to state several points;
I have been living till now, with the proof of the MRI examination for 2.5+5=7.5 years with no MS attack.
The second MRI examination proves that the MS was active and the BLACK SEED OIL has stopped its growth.
In all these years, I haven’t taken any of the proposed medications of the interferon injections.
The BLACK SEED OIL has no side effects. You can check that by a simple yahoo / Google search. Case it hadn’t benefit you (I don’t feel that!) it will not cause you any harm rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow
Read more: Multiple Sclerosis Forum - Black seed oil for MS