I apologize in advance for my poor english(I am a Slovak)
I have problems with brain fog for year and half and it realy destroing my life.I ve always had a skin problems
(dry skin,dandruff in hair),but year ago a started to have a problem with brain fog,
appearance of flashing lights before the eyes(visual snow) and burning(dry feeling)eyes.I,ve visited several doctors but they didnt find anything.
Also like a 8 month ago i started to have bradycardia(low puls-40-50),but i have Congenital heart disease and operation
when i was young so agas it has nothing to do with it.
In april this year i was in in hospital becose vertigo appeared at my,i was on neurological clinic but they didnt find
anything,than they said it is probably caused by some
former ear infection and let me home,after like one week after releasing from hospital vertigo completly dissepeard.
Latley(like month ago) i have found out that drinking fresh fruit juices is helping my brain fog,but in the begining i
always get slight vertigo after drinking that fruit juices(especialy when i drink them after some fatty food),but after
a while body get used to it and vertigo dissepeared.My vertigo problem(vertigo after drinking juices)shortly increased after
Liver Flush procedure,but now its okay again.On immunology they also find out that i have higher cholesterol,increased mold(fungus) in body and some allergies
I had some improvment when i tried to use pro liver or detoxical pills,i alsou alway get better after drinking beer
(just beer,other alkoholic drinks made it worst).I also tried capryl acid(on candida)but i felt much worse after it.Eating a big amount of garlic is making me sick too.Any suggestion what Could Be Wrong With Me?