OK So two days ago I was having a really hard day. Very emotional. I finsihed the Humaworm Parasite clenase 12 days ago and I am currently doing the lung clenase day 13. Today I went to the bathroom and I noticed this. I broke up the stool in the toilet and I notices small stringy things. The red broke up as well. It did not soak into the toilet paper like you think blood would but seemed pretty much it's own product in the stool. Is this liver flukes or some other parasite, bacteria, candida, or something that would have come out due to the clenasing and if so what the hell is it? It is pretty scary. I am hoping it is something that the clenase is getting rid of. I having a bit of anxiety thinking of the worse. BTW I have never had something like this in my stool so seeing red in a bit scary.