triciastu & uny:
Thought I would add an experience of mine, both as an FYI and see if anyone wants to comment.
I ended up with an ear infection, supposedly BECAUSE of using hydrogen peroxide. I will explain...
I had heavy wax in both ears, and also what I believed was a yeast/fungal infection in both of them. They itched inside really badly and I had lots of white flakes coming out of my ears. I figured a good cleaning was in order, so I used hydrogen peroxide in both ears for while...can't remember how long, but probably a couple of weeks. I realize now I was using too much...I would tilt my head sideways and fill 'er up. I would let it sit for a few minutes before doing the other ear. After the couple of weeks or so, I had a bad earache in one ear. I stopped by urgent care (which I would be loathe to do now) and a doc looked at it and said it looked infected. He gave me the typical
Antibiotic drops to put in my ear, which did clear it up. I'm surprised he didn't prescribe an internal
Antibiotic as well...they love doing that. Anyway, I was honest with the doc and told him exactly what I did, and why. He said that the peroxide is good at cleaning out the ear, but if I want to do that again, to mix in some vinegar, as that adds a drying agent to it. This sure didn't sound like something coming from an MD...sounds too "natural"... ;-> I haven't tried that mixture yet, but was curious if anyone else has.
Oh, and that oil of oregano you mentioned. I have a story for you. First of all, I am a male. And just in case the men in your lives might be having a good day, and you start thinking...maybe us guys are ready to stop being knuckle dragging Neanderthals, and we're ready to evolve right on up to the level of you ladies....forget it, we're not. I'm not anyway. :-)
I had a bad case of jock itch...had it for years. I read about how oil of oregano is a great "wonder herb"...kills bacteria, viruses...and FUNGUS...Yaaay! I bought a couple of bottles of tincture from a health food store. It was their own brand, and I can attest that it was good stuff...nice and HOT. I slapped this stuff all over the family jewels. We're not talking a few drops...we're not talking diluting it in a carrier oil. I had no idea what I was doing. Were was Robot when I needed him...DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!! And then....
I experienced my own personal nuclear reactor meltdown.
Ladies, if you catch your husbands cheating on you, or something like that, and you want to ruin his day, tell him the cure for his jock itch is to slop about half a bottle of oregano oil all over "Tommy and the Twins." If possible, be close enough to hear him scream. Anywhere in the neighborhood should suffice. I tried washing it off with a wet washcloth...but it was too late. Once the core has melted down, there is no stopping the nuclear explosion.. 8-{}
I have since read (somewhere on curezone) that the strongest germ-fighting oil you want to use undiluted is tea tree (even then may want to dilute that, too). Oregano should not be used on sensitive membranes (uh..yeah), and should be diluted in something like coconut oil (which is also anti-fungal, but not nearly as strong). I have recently used it again, undiluted, for a different purpose. I was recently infected with MRSA. It's gone now (long story), but for a while I had a few infectious spots show up on my forehead. I put straight oregano oil on those spots twice a day, and they cleared up just fine. I figured if it was strong enough to melt "the twins" into a pile of goo, then some little bacteria didn't stand a chance. ;-)