Hello Everyone;
It's been awhile since I have been in the forum. I have been having some serious stomach problems along with some other digestive problems.Many stomach aches and the problem with the sulfur smell ( you know rotten eggs) have come back off and on especially when I eat red meat.My stomach had become almost too sensitve. My doc said that it's possible that I may have an imflammation of my colon which is called "Colitis" or "Ulcerative Colitis" which also causes sulfur smells in the colon due to food not being able to be digested properly and it causes you to feel like you're leaking in air in the anal area, and like you have to go all the time, and you sometimes smell like you've gone to the bathroom, you just feel sensitive in that area.(rectal) He is sending me to a specialist. I 'm putting this in the forum because it may help someone here This disease also causes "fistula" problems too.
I can't eat sweets or hardly some regular foods without some type of discomfort,probiotics have help some, but I will have to change my diet altogether. My stomach problems have gotten worse over time it's no just longer acid reflux disease. Anyway I was able to find a site with some info on it. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with anyone lately or answered any emails. but I know many of you still have problems a with odor after eating and stomach problems. I will keep you guys informed once I see the GI doctor. Any way take care Surfer and everyone else, God bless! http://www.jacksongi.com/Diets/Ulcerative_Colitis_Dietary_Therapy.aspx
Also for those who want more info on this disease there is a forum in curezone for Ulceraticve Colitis, I'm sure there is lots of information there. There is more than just those 2 types of colitis, there are at least 5 different cases out there. I believe if you google colitis or different types of colitis you may be able to view them all. After thinking about it I decided to include more info about my situation, because I'd thought some of my problems were due to a pelvic surgery I'd had a few years ago, and my test for that was clear. One thing about this disese is that is does affect the rectum with the fecal smells also, but this may not be everyone's problem or solution, just view the info, think about the symptoms you're having,do more research, and then go see a doctor. http://www.drdahlman.com/colitis-diet.shtml?gclid=CJyPqIOd7akCFUTBKgodPR5HXw It's possible the colon problems may have come from me using a steroid for my sinuses problems.