knowledge seeker
no she had refused dialysis
I think most people might have to do a good bit more to heal than she did but Dr schulze has gotten people off dialysis and I recently posted his blog on how to alter his incurables program for kidney disease patients in the 35 steps I think I linked to.
Remember raw food is key and I think also green juices and smoothies
I had talked to her on the phone at length a few times but no longer have contact with her.
Maybe the fact that she said she ate horribly for several decades on the standard American diet made her recovery quicker than someone not changing so dramatically their food program
She did say her doctor was completely stunned and never had anyone reverse like that. She is very gung ho for learning now and doing all she can afford.
She also had a lot of faith that she would definitely be healed she said and prayed a lot.
I am not sure at what stage she is now but definitely not stage 5