Dr. Schulze was VERY clear on this when he was in clinical practice...the ONLY herbal combination/powder he ever encapsulated (or recommended encapsulating) was the IF#1 blend.
Encapsulated IF#2 is not NEARLY as effective (for many different reasons) to make a mucilanginous fluid-blend that coats & sticks to the lining of the intestine (and then pulls away). The main problem with encapsulated this blend is that it HAS to be mixed with water/juice (as is P&B) to provide it's therapeutic/cleansing effect. Even taking capsules with ample water/juice does not ensure 'when or where' in the digestive tract the capsules 'melt & open'....so wherever & whenever they melt/open, there's a bunch of dry powder that mixes (or doesn't) with whatever fluids happen to be in the area...easily causing constipation and other adverse situations. Some people find (me included) that many of the capsules never completely melt/open (and we see them in the stool).
Encapsulating does not make for an effective colon cleanse, but it does make for a waste of time & money & effort (and leads to the false belief that you've effectively cleansed, when you haven't)...which leads to worsening healing instead of improving health.
Please, please PLEASE do not choose IF#2 capsules from any source (and if you're doing P&B, please consider switching to the IF#2 - it's MUCH safer and more effective than P&B).