Dunno whatcha mean by "climbing the walls". I love garlic and this just adds a really nice taste. As I'm sure you already know garlic is super healthy for you and when you juice it your system really gets to absorb all it's good mojo. I'm juicing scallion (green onions) which are relatively mild. The recipe makes about 1 qt and with high water content vegs like the cukes,celery and tomaters as the base so things get diluted pretty good.
I'm on my 28th day of a 90 day juice feast so I'm doing strictly juices. I even strain all the juices through a fine mesh nut milk bag to eliminate any pulp so the digestive system really gets a good rest but I have been playing with blending just before I started juice feasting. A little while ago I posted a great recipe sent by a friend in Cali. It is not only super tasty but also a mega nutritional bomb. Czech it out