My husband had suddenly developed some skin rashes in the last 5 days. The doctor prescribed anti-histamine and Calamine and also took a blood test. It was negative for infections including chickenpox. The rashes are spreading from his abdomen to the chest and neck. Then the doctor prescribed antibiotics and external steroid cream. I ignored the prescription and did a little research in your forum and suggested to take Quercetain tablets and Pau'd arco with Chappral tea. Attached images of the rash as well.
Definitely not psoriasis. Actually it looks more like a bad case of acne as some of the bumps look like blackheads.
Does he have a fever at all?
If not I would give bitters and zinc (50mg daily) a try. Make sure that he drinks plenty of water throughout the day when using the bitters.
A diet richer in B vitamins can also help if this is hormonal.
Also check any medications he is taking to see if this is a side effect of any medications he may be taking. Especially steroidal medications or medications that can cause liver damage.
Thank you for your response, James
Actually he has no fever or any other discomfort at all, other than itching which used to be bit severe in the evening times. And he is not on any medication as well.
However he was on bad diet in the past few weeks/months. Now he is on good diet and taking bitters (few drops under tongue, keeping it for few seconds and swallows) as you advised..then the bumps has flattened, skin has become bit dark. please see the latest images. Also he is going to add zinc from today.
The other thing I want to mention is that he is suffering from constipation for a very long time, more than 20 years. It seems, he never felt his bowel emptied. Somehow he managed to live with this all these years. I believe the bitters would help him along with Slippery Elm and Licorice (both powders boiled together for 20 min)which you advised for my digestive problems earlier in another thread which works great for me.
Appreciate your further help and waiting your response.
The darkening looks like microscarring from scratching them. For now I recommend sticking to the bitters and zinc, and maybe more fiber to help with elimination. With the bitters I recommend 3 times daily. Give that a few weeks and let's see if that clears it up first.