I have been on this forum for awhile and over the past year thought it was interesting how some of you guys have similiar characteristics, like being type A, over acheivers, getting good grades, being on the autistic/asperger's spectrum, having OCD, being HSP or highly sensitive before getting sick. The more I know about people with AF/CFIDS/ME/Lyme, the more I find we have in common, even things like family background, the way we were raised, abusive parents, emotionally unavailable parents, etc.
I have a friend who is into research and statistics, who also has Lyme and AF. We seem to share an uncanny similarity of traits, personality wise, physically, and family backgrounds, (traits that existed before getting sick) and we were wondering to what degree others with CFIDS/ME/AF/Lyme share these same characteristics.
If you can participate, let me know by private message.
Here are just a few of the survey questions...
Do you have...
High IQ
High SAT/ACT/GRE scores
Autism Spectrum
Type A, ambitious, driven
Inability to say no to people
Prone to regret and shame
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Fourth (ring) finger longer than second (pointer) finger (if you are female)
Narcissistic parent(s)
Emotionally absent parent(s)
Emotionally abusive relationship
Relationship with self-absorbed person
Being the 'good' child and not imposing on other people
Lone ranger
Control issues