SnL Dietary Supplements: A safer, faster and more
effective way to lose weight
Appetite Suppresant + Fat Burner + Skin Whitener
Turn OFF Hunger! Turn ON Weight Loss!
etc. Being overweight often leads to other health ailments and complications. Poor diet, lack of exercise and stress contribute weight gain. If left unchecked, carrying excess weight and obesity can easily cause more dangerous health problems like hypertension, diabetes, gout, heart problems, sleep disorders
Today’s fast-paced lifestyle often leaves very little or no time at all for exercise and diet planning. This is why most people resort to alternative ways to lose weight. One simple way apart from physical exercise to lose excess poundage would be through supplements such as ephedra, stimulants and appetite suppressants which are often poses other more dangerous health risks.
There are safe alternatives however like l-carnitine that primarily helps speeds up the conversion of stored fat cells into energy to be used by the body. Apart from body fat to energy conversion however L-carnitine fails to address other variables to be an effective weight loss aid like curbing hunger and cravings.
SnL is a breakthrough weight-loss product to combine the natural fat burning qualities of l-carnitine with hoodia gordonii. Hoodia Gordonii is a leafless succulent plant found in South Africa and Namibia. Local bushmen have for years used it as an appetite suppressant during long hunting trips. Its active ingredient, P57 is credited with the appetite suppressing effect of hoodia gordonii.
Combined with l-carnitine, SnL makes full use of the appetite and hunger suppressing qualities of hoodia gordonii. Each capsule of SnL contains and equivalent of 20 kilos of raw unprocessed hoodia gordonii. Coupled with the fat burning l-carnitine and hoodia gordonii, losing weight through supplementation is made easier and faster by SnL.
Apart from weight loss with the l-carnitine and hoodia blend, what also sets SnL apart from other weight loss products is that it is also formulated with green tea extract and glutaNAC for anti-oxidant and glutathione boosting effect. This makes SnL a very potent weight loss aid and anti-oxidizing supplement.
SnL Dietary Supplement is available for Php 2,250.00 in Mercury Drug and other leading drug stores nationwide.
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