Before I knew what a Dowager's hump was I had one - also present when the horrible illness began '05. I have read that the hump is toxin storage. The hump has gone away - possibly released into nearby tissue?? I don't know - only that this scalp thing has gone on about 6 years now, so I have lived with it a long, long time. The itch is incredible! Could be stagnant lymph from being incpacitated by the broken knee '04/'05 episode - although I have been quite active since with bouts of inactivity(computer generated - hard to be active when actively searching CZ for solutions for hours and hours). EMF's really make it flair - thinking I need grounding apparatus.
I cut the neck tags off all clothing - especially irritating, probably a gift from the Chinese.....but, perhaps gluten is the culprit here - so many possibilities - sinus, broken tooth, etc. Yeah, I have no desire to use cortisone, either. I still don't perspire like a normal person - haven't for a long time. Hot weather is especially hard on the scalp thing.
Sometimes would like to stop ALL supplements, fast, and see what happens with scalp. Still want to flush liver - so many things, so little time - aaahCK! So annoying to be constantly distracted by the BODY.
Mole removal with topical
SSKI is going well - fairly flat crater at this point.
SSKI internal @ 8-9 drops per day along with companions - love it! Going to add Zinc and see if anything changes with skin.