My dad has recently been diagnosed with a terminal disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). Until now, I had never heard of it. Based on what I have learned thus far, the disease is similar to Parkinsons in terms of the area of the brain that is affected. However, the symptoms more closely resemble those of people affected with ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease). My dad is 62 years old and is showing a number of related and debilitating symptoms. Although, the symptoms have been ongoing for a number of years before there was a final diagnosis - as the disease has been difficult to diagnose. And, a little more than a year ago, my dad became a vegetarian which "seems" to have helped a little in as much as the symptoms don't seem to have gotten any worse since he converted. Therefore with that said, is there anyone out there who has any encouraging news, remedies, cures, regimens, treatments or anything else which could lift our hopes for the possibility of at least a small reversal or even a halt to the progression of this terrible and monstrous disease???